Love of Allah

Loving Allah is the ultimate aim.
Having attained the state of true love for Allah, each stage that
follows it is one of its fruits and a branch from its roots - such
as longing, intimacy and contentment. Each stage that precedes it
- such as repentance, perseverance and doing without.
The most beautiful, the most sincere,
the most elevated and the most exalted kind of love is most certainly
the love of the One Whom hearts were created to love, and for Whom
creation was brought into existence to adore. Allah is the One to
Whom hearts turn in love, exhalation and glorification, humility,
submission and worship. Such worship cannot be directed towards
other than Him. It is the perfection of love accompanied by complete
submission and humility. Allah is loved for His own sake in every
respect. All except Him are loved for the love they give in return.
All the revealed Books, and the message of all the Prophets, bear
witness to the love that is due towards Him, as does the natural
impulse He has created in all His servants, the intellect He has
given them, and the blessings He has poured on them.
Hearts, as they mature, come to love
whomever is merciful and kind towards them. So how much greater
is their love for Him from Whom all kindness springs!
Every good thing enjoyed by His creation
is one of His limitless blessings, and He is One with no associates
and no partners:
"And whatever
good you have - it is from Allah; and then, when misfortune comes
to you, you cry to Him for help."
(Qur'an, An-Nahl
And also:
"And from among mankind there are some who take for themselves
(objects of worship as) rivals to Allah, loving them as they should
(only) love Allah. And those who believe are stronger in their love
for Allah."
(Qur'an, Al-Baqarah
And also:
"O you who believe, whoever of you becomes a rebel against
his deen (know that in his place) Allah will bring a people whom
He loves and who love Him, humble towards the believers, harsh towards
the disbelievers, fighting in the way of Allah, and not fearing
the blame of anyone who blames."
(Qur'an, Al-Maidah
The Prophet has sworn that no servant truly believes until
he, (the Prophet ) is more dear to that servant than his own child,
father and all of mankind. (Related Bukhari, kitab al-Iman: 1/58
Muslim, kitab al-Iman, 2/15)
The Prophet also said to Umar
ibn al-Khattab, "even until I am more dear to you than your
own self". (Related Bukhari, kitab al-Iman wa'n-Nadhur,
This means that you are not a true
believer until your love for the Prophet Muhammad reaches
this level.
If the Prophet must take precedence
over our own selves; as Allah says:
"The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves."
(Qur'an, Al-Ahzab
When it comes to what we love and what this entails, then is not
Allah (Most Exalted is He), even more deserving of our love and
adoration than our own selves?
Everything that comes from Him to
His servants whether it is something that they hate, directs us
to love Him. His giving and His withholding, the good fortune and
the misfortune that He decrees for His servants and His abasing
them and elevating them, His justice and His grace, His giving life
and taking it away again, His compassion, generosity and veiling
of His servants wrong actions, His forgiveness and patience, His
response to His servants' supplications even though He is not in
any need of His servants whatsoever - all this invites hearts to
worship Him and love Him.
If a Human being were to do the smallest
amount of any of these things to another, that person would not
be able to restrain his heart from loving him. How can a servant
not love, with all his heart and body, the One who is constantly
Merciful and Generous towards him in spite of all his wrong actions?
Allah seeks His servants friendship
and love by means of His generosity towards him, even though He
is not in any need of him. The servant, on the other hand, invites
Allah's anger through his disobedience and wrong actions, even though
he is in need of His assistance.
Neither Allah's mercy nor His generosity
towards the servant deter him from disobeying his Lord. In the same
way, neither the servant's disobedience nor his wrong actions deter
Allah from granting him His blessings.
Furthermore, while anyone who we
love and who loves us may behave like this for personal gain, Allah
does so in order to benefit us.
Furthermore, while anyone with whom
we trade will not do business with us if he does not make a profit
from the transaction - and he will do what he can to make a profit
one way or another - Allah (Most Exalted is He) trades with us in
order to enable us to make the best and greatest profit for ourselves
from our transaction with him. Thus one good deed counts as between
ten and seven hundred good deeds, or even more, while a bad deed
is recorded as only one bad deed and can be swiftly wiped out.
Allah (Most Exalted is He), in His
infinite mercy has created everything for us, both in this world
and in the next. Who else then, deserves to be loved and worshipped
more than Allah? All that we - and the whole of creation, for that
matter - require and need is with Him. He is the Most Generous.
He gives His servants more than they need, even before they ask
him. He is pleased with even a little right action and increases
its rewards. He forgives untold wrong actions and wipes them out.
Whatever is in the heavens and the earth supplicates to Him. The
multiplicity of things never bewilder Him, nor is He weary by the
insistent pleas of His servants. Indeed He is pleased with those
who persist in their supplication.
He is ever pleased with His servants
who seek His assistance, and He is angry with those who do not.
He is displeased when He sees a servant being disobedient and not
caring about his actions, and yet He veils His servant's wrong actions
while the servant himself does not veil them. He has mercy on His
servant while the servant does not have any mercy on himself.
He has called him to His acceptance
and mercy through His compassion and generosity - but he declines.
He has sent Messengers to him and made His covenant known through
them. Allah, even draws near him and says:
"....Is there anyone who is
calling on Me, so I may answer his prayer? Is there anyone who is
asking of Me, so I may grant his request? Is there anyone who is
seeking My forgiveness, so that I may forgive him?" (Related
by Muslim, Kitab al-Musafirin wa Qasruhu, 6/36)
How then, can our hearts not love
Him, the One who - and no other than Him - grants rewards, answers
prayers, pardons mistakes, forgives sins, veils wrong actions, dispels
grief and drives away sorrow?
He alone, is worthy of remembrance,
worship and praise. He is the most generous to be asked, the most
liberal to give, the most merciful to pardon, the mightiest to assist
and the most dependable to rely on.
He is more merciful to His servant,
than a mother is to her baby. He is more pleased by the repentance
of the penitent sinner than a man who is overjoyed to find his riding
beast, with all his provisions still on its back after he had lost
it in a barren land and had given up all hope of survival.
He is pleased with the obedient servant
for his obedience, even though it could not have happened without
his help and assistance. He pardons and forgives even after He has
been disobeyed. And yet, the rights which are due to Him are the
ones which are most rejected and neglected.
He is the nearest witness, the most
sublime protector, the most true to His Word, and the most just
of all Judges. He knows the secrets of the selves:
"There is not an animal of whose forelock He does not have
a hold."
(Qur'an, Hud 11:56)
He records the actions and decides the lifetimes of His slaves.
To Him, the secrets in the hearts are known and the Unseen revealed.
Everyone yearns for Him, faces humble themselves before the Light
of His Face, and minds are completely incapable of understanding
the Essence of His Being.
Love of Allah the Almighty gives
life to the Heart and sustains the soul. The heart experiences no
pleasure, nor feels any joy, nor tastes any success - not even life
- if it does not have this love. If the heart loses this love, then
the loss it suffers is more severe than that of the eye when it
is deprived of its sight and the ear when it is deprived of its
Even worse than this, the decay of
the heart when it is devoid of love for its Creator, Source, and
True God, is far worse than that of the body when it no longer contains
the soul. This truth is only recognised by the people who are alive,
for a wound does not pain the dead.
A righteous man once said in a poem:
And love your Lord by serving Him
For lovers are but servants of the Beloved
When she was giving counsel to her
children, one of the women of the salaf once said to them, "Make
it a habit to love and obey Allah, for those who have taqwah take
their obedience to the point where their body experiences aversion
for anything other than obedience. If the cursed one (shaytan) tries
to tempt them to do something wrong, the wrong actions is ashamed
and avoids them because of the way in which it is rejected by them."
Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak recited:
You disobey Allah,
and yet you still claim to love Him.
By Allah, such behaviour is disgusting,
by any standard!
You would have obeyed Him had your love been true.
For the lover is always obedient to the Beloved!
References: The Purification of
the Soul - collected and arranged by Ahmad Farid.