Letter from a Non-Muslim
in Exile
To Alan Rocher, Perth Western Australia,
and Premier Richard Court, Office of the Premier, 197 St Georges
Terrace, Perth WA 6000, AUSTRALIA.
Dear Richard and Alan,
I am writing to you, as my former
MP's, who may have an interest in why one of your former electors
is no longer in the country. You may recall my writing to you at
the time of the incidents relating to the photograph of a pig painted
on a Muslim's door.
In many minds painting a pig on a
Muslim's door as little different to painting a Swastika on a Jew's
door, except that added to the intimidation, is the religious vilification
of using a representation of an animal that the religion sees as
defiled. The sequence of events that have transpired since I first
wrote to you are also disturbing.
When an individual commits an act
of racial and religious vilification we may regret it, but simply
write it off as the act of a lone nut. But when that sort of act
wins support from a magistrate, and the offender is encouraged to
prosecute his victims, when despite a restraining order the offender
seems to be able to coerce police assistance in tracking and harassing
his victims, i.e. when that sort of act seems to have tacit and
overt official support, it bodes ill for Australia.
To summarise the sequence of events,
I evicted the individual who had painted the pig on a Muslim neighbour's
door, and as you will recall, circulated the story to government
bodies with an interest in stopping racial and religious vilification,
and with the welfare of visitors to Australia, I also requested
that the offender compensate his victims.
The Western Australian Police tried
to help, but appear to have been thwarted from doing so, and coerced
into assisting the offender. Apart from them, not one government
agency has lifted a finger to help, compensate or support the victims.
Quite the reverse - the offender has been given court encouragement
to prosecute for wrongful eviction and police assistance in tracking
down his targets who had a restraining order against him. I have
been left like the proverbial shag on a rock, alone and a target
for the offender's revenge. The offender has sued me for almost
$10,000 damages, and the pattern has been that every time he doesn't
get what he wants in court, the Nedlands Council starts harassing
my Muslim tenants. The story puts out a clear message - anyone stupid
enough to protect or defend a Muslim in Australia will face officially
sanctioned harassment, prosecution and persecution.
Despite a perhaps casual attitude
to religion in some sections of Australian society, that is not
true of people in some of our neighbouring countries. Insults like
this are remembered and can fester for decades. The issue is more
than just my and other victims' problem - it is very much Australia's.
Australia is trying to build trade links with Islamic countries
to its north, and with the Middle East. Our nearest neighbour is
the most populous Islamic nation on Earth. Putting it bluntly it
is INSANE for Australia to encourage this sort of behaviour against
Islamic guests in this country.
For an Australian magistrate to rule
that after this, the offender was entitled to stay and continue
his harassment against his Muslim victim, seems to me 1) unbelievably
stupid, 2) unjust, 3) devoid of a sense of right or wrong, 4) a
huge insult to Islam, and 5) not to have Australia's interest at
heart. There must be plenty of Australian businessmen who have worked
hard to win and keep contracts in the Middle East who would be rightly
furious if they knew of that decision.
One year on, the victims in this
case have so despaired of ever getting any redress or justice in
Australia, that they are seeking a judgement from an Islamic Court
outside Australia. The photos of the door have been circulating
on the internet since early 197. It is only a matter of time before
Islamic newspapers pick them up and run the story - if they haven't
already. Any influence that you can use towards damage control would
be in Australia's interest.
In reality, how this case has been
handled may be just a matter of over stretched resources, or incompetence,
or an unwillingness to even comprehend the depth of the insult this
painting represents to one of the world's major religions. However,
in perception, how this case has been handled, looks like, smells
like and sounds like corruption. The offender has a brother who
is a surgeon, and comes from a wealthy Toorak family with grazing
property in Victoria. People tend to lump Toorak and the Liberal
Party together - a Liberal Party that is already not travelling
well with ethnic voters is vulnerable to suggestions that it was
a party influence that has enabled the offender to get away with
his actions, to prosecute his victims, to run a case against one
of his victims in absentia without serving notice on him, and to
gain police help in tracking his victims, contrary to the provisions
of a restraining order. The offender boasts of having enough influence
to manipulate Immigration Officers and Commonwealth police into
arresting my daughter and me if we ever return to an Australian
The impact on us has been severe.
The offender has stalked and harassed since his eviction, using
threats, intimidation, assault, and the courts and the police. My
6-year-old daughter attended 4 schools in less than 9 months as
we attempted to elude his attentions. Finally we were forced to
leave the country - with family pets moved out as well, and Australia's
quarantine law being what they are, we will be out for at least
ten years - i.e. my Australian daughter will be 17, with her schooling
completed before she can return to her home country. Effectively
we are exiled. From the country's point of view, the impact is real
too - we sell Australian security software through MZI in Seattle,
via their catalogue PCZone. That business and the revenue that would
have flowed from it are now lost to Australia.
So just what sort of individual is
worthy of such official backing from our government agencies and
judiciary and of police help? As you will recall from my earlier
correspondence, the Police got a bag full of syringes from his room,
he has not had a real job since the early 1990's, he kept a hand-written
personality profile in pride of place on his desk, which he described
the subject as a "sexual predator, potentially violent, lost
touch with emotions, competitive, without regard for others".
He kept a pile of newspaper clippings on the Claremont serial killings.
The syringes might sound like a drug problem, but they may have
been more sinister - according to his flat mates, he wandered the
streets of Claremont and Nedlands at nigh t with the syringes in
a backpack. He was witnessed wandering the UWA campus with a pair
of bolt cutters and stealing bicycles. Currie Hall, one of the residence
halls at UWA banned him from their premises - they had earlier taken
steps to remove him, because they considered that some of their
students were in physical danger from him. I warned people and occupants
of places that he was stalking, and when they checked with the police,
all they got were denials. Wonderful country Australia has become!!
My best contact is via email: petergolden@hotmail.com.
[We are still on the move, but even
if we weren't, I have learnt the hard way that giving our address
to any government agency is an invite to our stalker to come and
find us.]
Yours sincerely
Peter Golden
Friday, July 10, 1998.
Courtesy: Australian Muslim News,
July 1998.