The Road Map:

A Fresh Conspiracy Targeting the Intifadah

The ongoing uprising in Palestine has proved to be the main obstacle facing the American plans for the Middle East region that conform to the Zionist dream of establishing ‘greater israel’, and which explain the unconditional support granted by successive US administrations to strengthen the Jewish State making it a key player in the region.

Failing to crush the Muslim people’s uprising, the US-Zionist enemy initiated a new plan under the guise of peace, the ‘Road Map’, which would supposedly lead the way to the establishment of a Palestinian State and granting the Palestinians some of their rights.

So what exactly is the ‘road map’, and what are its chances for success?


In an attempt to reach a final solution to the Middle East problem, an international committee comprising of the US, the UN, the EU and Russia, created the ‘Road Map’—a plan based on a two-stage process aiming at achieving ‘peace’ by the year 2005. Its objectives are:

1. Bringing an end to the Palestinian uprising and resistance whilst making major changes to the structure of the current Palestinian Authority on the financial, administrative, security and legal fronts. In return, Israeli forces will withdraw from Palestinian towns and dismantle some small Jewish settlements.

2. Proclaiming a Palestinian State with temporary borders and restricted regional ties. The formation of such a state is directly linked to three issues including a) the continuous and full cooperation on the security level with Israel; b) the formation of a new Palestinian government appointed by their new agent, Abu Mazen; and c) the normalisation of relations (especially on the economical and security fronts) between the Arab regimes and Israel.

Prior to the start of the new rounds of negotiations, the Jewish state set a series of preconditions, the most important of which were:

1. Link ingthe so-called Israeli concessions with immediate action, on the other hand, against the Palestinian resistance and, on the one hand, with radical changes to the structure of the Palestinian Authority, especially shifting the powers from Yassir Arafat to the new Prime Minister, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen).

2. Refusing to bring a halt to the Jewish settlement activities on occupied Palestinian land, under the claim of ‘natural growth’ of existing settlements.

3. The refusal to submit to the ruling of the afore-mentioned international committee, and to insist on having it as sole reference the extent to which the Palestinian Authority should meet their obligations on the security level.

4. Refusing to determine the nature of the promised Palestinian State, and to leave it to future dual negotiation rounds.

5. Refusing to abide by a set timetable that ends in 2005, and to link it to the level of cooperation from the Palestinians.

A glimpse at the ‘Road Map’ shows that the real objective behind it is to bring the blessed Intifadah to an end, in return for ambiguous promises for a sovereign-less Palestinian state. In recent months, the Intifadah has transformed into a real nightmare for Israel and threatened its own existence, especially in light of the new tactics and weapons deployed by the Palestinian resistance to face up to the daily massacres committed by the Israeli forces.

Despite this, Arafat’s Palestinian Authority was quick to begin implementing its part of the deal. This was illustrated through the introduction of a the Prime Minister position for the Palestinian Authority, and the appointment of the US-backed controversial figure, Abu Mazen—or Mahmoud Abbas—in that position.

It is important to study Abu Mazen’s background to understand the size and gravity of the conspiracy he was entrusted with against the Muslim people of Palestine.

Abu Mazen’s real name is Mahmoud Abbas Mirza. He is a follower of the Bahai religion, a branch of Zionism, which originated in the first half of the nineteenth century to tackle Islam from within. Mirza Ali Mohammed Shirazi created Bahaism. He was executed in 1266 Hijra due to such blasphemous beliefs as incarnation, and his claim that the ‘divine being’ have materialised in his own body. All Muslim sects unanimously agree that Bahaism is a religion separate to Islam serving the Zionist cause. Its followers are not Muslim.

Politically speaking, Abu Mazen emerged due to his role in the negotiations preceding the Oslo agreement, in which the Palestinian Liberation Organisation surrendered 80 percent of the Palestinian land in return for municipality authorities over the West Bank and Gaza strip.

Abu Mazen outlined his views to the current situation through a number of statements to various media outlets. In his talk to the Asharq Al-Awsat Arabic newspaper (31/1/2003), he said: “The alternative of war is no longer conceivable for the Palestinians. Our only choice is negotiation for peace.”

He further attacked the people’s resistance saying that they do not believe in a peaceful solution, nor in international legitimacy, nor in summits, nor in anything; they only seek destruction; they do not represent the Palestinian people.

He also said: “Israel is a state that was founded to prevail”.

In another statement to Reuters on 18/4/2003, he stated that his mission is going to be that of pursuing the Palestinian movements of Hamas and Jihad, in order to prevent them from launching ‘terrorist’ operations targeting Israel’s security.

The new Palestinian government have reinitiated security and intelligence coordination with the Zionists through a number of meetings with Mohamed Dahlan, an infamous agent for the Israeli intelligence services, Mossad, and who was also appointed in the interior ministry post.

The ‘Road Map’ faces a number of obstacles, including:

1. The utter refusal of the overwhelming majority of the Palestinian people to the so-called ‘peace process’. This has become especially true in light of the US involvement in initiating this process or sponsoring it, due to the growing enmity towards anything American, especially after the criminal US war against the Muslim people of Iraq.

2. The deepening conflict between US and Zionist-backed Abu Mazen and other groups within the Palestinian Authority, particularly Yassir Arafat who fears of being stripped of whatever remains of his powers, especially having been jailed within his compound for over a year. He would therefore strive to fight Abu Mazen’s single-handed approach.

3. The Israeli deception, clearly seen in the ambiguous conditions set by the Israelis; the ongoing military escalation against the Palestinian people, and policies of closures of towns and cities.

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