Recommended Islamic
Reading Material

books to Islam
Understanding Islam,” by Abu’l A’laa Mawdudi
A cogent, vigorous, well-written book; well translated from
the original Urdu.
Purpose of Creation,” by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Dar
Al Fatah
Qur'an and Modern Science,” by Maurice Bucaille edited by Dr.
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Best of Islaam,” by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Dar Al Fatah
An inspirational selection of Qur'anic verses and statements
of Prophet Muhammad, that explain the best behaviour in various
aspects of life.
in Focus by Hammudah Abdalati This book provides comprehensive
information on Islam and how Muslims worship and live. (My Favourite)
Fundamentals of Tawheed,” by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
The best introduction to the Islamic concept of Monotheism.
Criterion between the Allies of the Merciful and the Allies
of the Devil,” by Ibn Taymiyyah, Idara Ihya us-Sunnah
A guide for distinguishing between authentic and false spirituality.
ut-Tawheed,” by Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam
Makes clear many issues related to the proper worship of God
along with actions that contradict monotheism with concise proofs
from the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Meaning of the Holy Qur'an,” revised translation by Mohammed
Marmaduke Pickthall, Muslim World League in Canada
Pickthall’s translation was the first I ever read, and I consider
it pretty accurate. It is marred by the use of Elizabethan English,
designed, I suppose, to remind readers of the King James Bible.
The revised translation does away with most of the more jarring
Sahih Al-Bukhari,” translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khan, Maktaba
The most authentic compilation of statements by Prophet Muhammad
and incidents from his life. The summarized version eliminates
the repetitions that make the original difficult reading. The
translation is serviceable, but stilted. Marred by a complete
lack of explanatory notes.
Muslim,” translated by Abdul-Hamid Siddiqi
The second-most authentic compilation of statements by Prophet
Muhammad and incidents from his life. The translation is serviceable,
but stilted, with some scattered errors. There are extensive
footnotes, many of which are useful.
compiled by Imam an-Nawawi, translated by S.M. Madani Abbasi.
No Muslim’s house should be without Imam an-Nawawi’s book, a
comprehensive, well-organized condensation of the Sunnah related
to everyday life. Unfortunately, there is no really good translation
in English. Madani’s translation is several notches below that
of “Sahih Muslim,” and “Sahih Al-Bukhari.” Zafrullah Khan’s
translation, known as “Gardens of the Righteous,” is certainly
better English than Madani’s, but Khan is a Qadiani, and his
translation is not that accurate.
on the 40 Hadith of Imaam An-Nawawee,” by Jamal Din Zarabozo,
Basheer Publications.
Excellently researched with critical evaluation of the scholarly
opinion cited.
of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Sealed Nectar,” by Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, Maktaba Dar-us-Salam
The original Arabic won first prize in a world-wide competition
for a modern biography of the Prophet (pbuh). Unfortunately,
the English translation is quite stilted.
and Christianity
True Message of Jesus Christ,” by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips,
Dar Al Fatah
A concise overview of Jesus’ original message and how it got
a Prophet of Islam,” by Muhammad ‘Ata’ur-Rahim and Ahmad Thompson,
Ta-Ha Publishers
Christ’s Sake,” by Ahmad Thompson and Muhammad ‘Ata’ur-Rahim,
Ta-Ha Publishers
A history of the struggle between Unitarian and Trinitarian
interpretations of Christianity. The most compelling portion
covers the period immediately after Jesus until the time of
Prophet Muhammad. Relies heavily on Edward Gibbon’s “Decline
and Fall of the Roman Empire.”
Myth-maker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity,” Hyam Maccoby,
A British Talmudic scholar’s analysis of Paul’s role in formulating
Trinitarian Christianity. If he had written this book a few
centuries ago, he would have been burned at the stake.