
Simple Things to Protect Yourself from the Shaytaan

By Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble

Many times during ruqyah, we begin be advising people to remember Allah at specific times during the day and night. Lately, I’ve observed that giving people all of the du’aa and dhikr from the Sunnah is often too much, and at times the shaytaan comes to a person and they become lazy.

During my recent time with our Shaykh ‘Adil ibn Tahir al-Muqbil, I noticed that he only recommended a very limited number of things to do for protection in the morning and evening, when leaving the house, and when going to bed. The shaykh was asked about this, and he replied that there are many things that a person can do, but we want to give people something that is both easy and effective.

Based on the advice of the shaykh, and some of my own research and experience, I’ve compiled a list of simple things that everyone can do to protect themselves. This list is not intended to be comprehensive – it’s intended to be easy for everyone, whilst covering the things that provide the strongest protection, with the permission of Allah.

Before beginning, I’d like to remind everyone, that du’aa and dhikr has etiquettes that must be observed. From the most important is that you are conscious of what you are saying and focused upon the meaning; really take the time out to pause whatever you are doing and sit quietly, remembering your need of Allah, and calling upon him sincerely. For more information, see: http://duas.com/tips.php.

You (and your family) will need to learn:

1. Bismillaah.

2. The last three surahs of the Qur’an – al-Ikhlas (http://quran.com/112), al-Falaq (http://quran.com/113), an-Naas (http://quran.com/114).

3. Ayat-ul-Kursi (http://quran.com/2/255).

4. The du’a for entering the toilet : bismillaah, allaahumma innee a‛oodhu bika minal-khubuthi wal-khabaa’ith (http://duas.com/dua/154/).

5. The du’a for leaving the house: bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‛alal-laah, wa laa ḥawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah (http://duas.com/dua/160/).

6. The du’a for setting foot in a new place: a‛oodhu bi kalimaat-illaahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaq (http://duas.com/dua/359/).

7. bismillaahil-ladhee laa yaḍurru ma‛asmihi shay’un fil-arḍi wa laa fis-samaa’i wa huwas-samee‛-ul-‛aleem (http://duas.com/dua/238/).

8. Laa ilaaha ill-allaahu, waḥdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, yuḥyee wa yumeetu, wa huwa ‛alaa kulli shay’in qadeer (http://duas.com/dua/218/).

When to say each one:
(the numbers correspond to those above)

1. When you enter the house and before eating.

2. Three times in the morning (after Fajr), and three times in the evening (after ‘Asr or Maghrib).

3. (a) After each obligatory prayer, and (b) before you go to sleep.

4. Just before entering the toilet.

5. As you are leaving the house.

6. When you set foot in a place, such as when getting out of your car, when entering someone’s house, when sitting down outside, etc.

7. Three times in the morning (after Fajr), and three times in the evening (after ‘Asr or Maghrib).

8. Ten times in the morning (after Fajr), and ten times in the evening (after ‘Asr or Maghrib).

How does each one protect you (with the permission of Allah)?:
(the numbers correspond to those above):

1. The shaytaan is refused permission to stay in your house or eat your food.

2. They will suffice you against every single thing.

3. (a) There will be nothing between you and Paradise except death. (b) Allah will send a protector to protect you against everything, and the shaytaan will not approach you.

4. You will be protected from the male and female shaytaan who reside in the bathroom.

5. The angels say, “You will be defended, protected, and guided,” and you will be protected from shaytaan.

6. Nothing will harm you until you leave.

7. Nothing will harm you for the rest of the day/night.

8. Allah will send guardian angels to protect you from the shaytaan until morning/evening comes.

Allah knows best, and may peace and blessings be upon our messenger Muhammad, and upon his family and his companions.

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