Trust in Allah and Possessing a Good Opinion of Him

Sheikh Abdus-Salaam Zoud
There are people
who have developed a wrong opinion of Allah, especially after the
events in Afghanistan and Iraq. They have said to themselves: where
is the victory of Allah to the Muslims, and how could He give victory
to the unjust transgressing American and British disbelievers? It
is this issue that I will be discussing with you this evening inshaa
Allah. So lend me your ears and your hearts so that perhaps we may
re-affirm the good opinion of Our Lord by the end of this lecture
inshaa Allah.
So in the name
of Allah I say:
Having good
opinion of Allah is from the essentials of Tawheed (Monotheism),
which many people have become heedless of. It is from the attributes
of a Believer, in fact it is from the obligations of Tawheed. Having
good opinion of Allah Most High is built upon your knowledge of
His Mercy, His Pride, His Goodness, His Power, His Knowledge, His
superiority of selection as well as your complete reliance upon
Him. So if all of these conditions are fulfilled, good opinion of
Allah will come to fruition in the heart.
For in the Qudsi
Hadith, which was narrated by Abu Hurairah, Allah Most High says:
I am as
my slave thinks of me and I am with him whenever he remembers me.
(Agreed Upon).
In another hadeeth
recorded by Muslim, Jaabir narrates that he heard the Prophet (saws)
three days before his death as saying:
Let none
of you die without having a good opinion of Allah High and Mighty.
There is no
doubt that having good opinion of Allah is coupled with good actions.
Just as having good opinion of Allah is one of the characteristics
of a believer, the ill-opinion of Allah and the opinion that does
not befit his Majesty is from the characteristics of hypocrites
and polytheists who look at Allah with a view of Jaahilyyah (ignorance)
and falsehood.
Allah has promised
these people by saying:
[that] He may punish the hypocrite men and hypocrite women, and
the polytheist men and polytheist women those who assume
about Allah an assumption of evil nature. Upon them is a misfortune
of evil nature; and Allah has become angry with them and prepared
for them Hell, and evil it is a destination. [al-Fath, 48:
For how many
people these days have given themselves a negative perception of
Allah, and have accused Him of all His actions, and perceive that
this religion will never be victorious and will never achieve its
goals? Some perceive that Allah will not give support and aid His
followers, and to raise them over their enemies and claim them in
Others perceive
that Allah permits for victory to be for falsehood and its people,
over truth and its people, such a clear victory that truth no longer
stands a chance.
Maybe it is
these visions and sights of Muslim defeats and misery and agony
from East to West that has brought these individuals to gain such
a negative perception of Allah. Once one issue of misery or agony
is resolved, another is ignited somewhere else to such a degree
that they can no longer envision a resolution or an escape from
such a routine.
They then forget
the reasons and the causes of victory and triumph, and increase
their awareness and their dread towards the so-called ever-increasing
power and might of the enemy, fully forgetting the might and glory
of Allah in return.
To those people
we say: This is obviously a clear negative perception towards Allah,
and they are perceptions that contradict the completeness of Allah,
His Majesty, Glory, His Descriptions and Wisdom. For His Mercy,
and Wisdom, and God-ship refuse from such a thing to occur. It also
refuses that His people and His soldiers to be disgraced, and that
constant victory and triumph to be for His polytheist enemies. He
who perceives such things about Allah truly does not know the true
powers of Allah, nor His Names, Attributes, and complete perfection.
If those people
perceive that Allah will not give victory to his Laws and His religion,
and that Allah has written defeat to be upon the Muslims forever,
and that there is no breaking out of that, then why did Allah send
down the Book? Why did He send down the Prophets? Why did he decree
the Religion? Why did he make Islam more powerful and above all
other religions? Why did he abrogate all other teachings and methods,
all other religions and ways of life with the bringing of Islam
if He never meant to give it victory?
That is why
Allah says:
anyone thinks that Allah will not help Muhammad in this world and
the hearafter, let them stretch out a rope to the ceiling and cut
themselves off, then let them see whether their plan will remove
that which enrages them. [Al-Hajj: 15]
In other words,
the scholars have explained this verse that whomever thinks that
Allah will not give victory to Muhammad in this life and in the
hereafter, then let them hang themselves from their ceilings if
that is frustrating them. For sure Allah is going to give victory
to His Prophet for sure, as He has said:
surely will give aid to our Prophets and those who believed in this
world and on the day when the witnesses will stand forth. The Day
when the oppressors excuses will be of no benefit to them,
to them is the curse, and to them is the worst of dwellings.
[Ghaafir: 51-52]
Allah also says:
We have sent down Our words to Our slaves that We have sent, they
are surely to be aided, and that Our soldiers are surely to be victorious.
[Assaafaat: 171-173]
And Allah also
who oppose Allah and His Prophets, they will be in disgrace. Allah
has written My Prophets and I will be victorious. [Al-Mujaadalah:
So, if the causes
of victory have been achieved, then Allah will definitely give victory
to those who have achieved it, but if they are defeated, they are
only defeated due to them, failing to achieve the causes of victory.
This nation
learns and is taught by what Allah decrees upon it, and the Prophet
has taught us from his Sunnah how he aids his Lord and his Lord
aids him.
Allah has said:
you who believe, if you give aid to Allah, Allah will aid you and
strengthen your foothold. [Muhammad: 7]
He also said:
Allah was to give you aid, there will be no victor over you, but
if He was to not, then who will ever give you aid after Him? On
Allah let the believers rely. [Aal-Imraan:160]
Allah does that
which He wishes to do, and He has written down destiny and what
He decrees before He created the heaves and the earth by 50,000
years. Therefore, whatever happens on this planet is written with
Him. Allah knows and you know not.
Some Muslims
might think something is evil when it could be good, that is because
of the shortness of their vision and inability to see the unseen.
Allah said:
Allah was never to allow you to see the unseen. [Aal-Imraan:
And He Most
High said:
not think it is bad for you; rather, it is beneficial for you.
[An-Noor: 11]
All of this
falls back onto the greatest basis:
will not change the condition of a nation until they change what
is within themselves.
For this, we
surely have to be confident in Allah, and that Allah's power is
with Him, and nothing happens without His authority, and nothing
occurs except according to His plans and way, and Muslims should
be more optimistic of their lord. They should be in constant dependency
on Him, always seeking his support and aid.
Muslims of other
eras, especially eras of weakness, such as our one today, should
always be armed with trust and dependency on Allah. Always seeking
His aid and support, and that He will aid those who aid Him. If
a slave was to seek refuge in Allah, then they surely have sought
an awesome stronghold.
Yes, my brethren,
a Muslim these days needs a lot of trust in Allah, and renewal of
their faith in Him, and great dependency on Him. They should also
definitely know, believe, and understand that Allah is capable of
anything, and that all issues return back to Allah and to no one
Allah has said:
to Allah the issues return. [al-Baqarah: 210]
And that:
earth belongs to Allah and He will allow whomever He wills to inherit
it. [Al-Araaf: 128]
And that He
in punishment. [Ar-Rad: 13]
And that to
Allah belongs:
soldiers of the heavens and the earth. [Al-Fath: 7]
And that:
is Allah the One, the full controller. [Az-Zumar: 4]
And that:
is the One of great power, the strong. [Athaariyaat: 58]
And that He
is The Possessor of the Kingdom:
give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from
whom You will, and You endue with honour whom You will, and You
humiliate whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are
Able to do all things. [3: 26]
And He exalted
and High is the One Who may benefit and the One that may harm. Allah
if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if
He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things
[6: 17]
This is why
when the enemy of Allah attacked the Prophet , Allah destroyed all
their plotting. He said:
were plotting and Allah too was planning, and Allah is the Best
of the planners [8: 30]
And He Most
High says:
before them indeed plotted, but Allah struck at the foundation of
their building, and then the roof fell down upon them, from above
them, and the torment overtook them from directions they did not
perceive. [16: 26]
So whomsoever
deceives Allah, Allah will deceive him.
the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He Who deceives
them. [4:142]
And it is Allah
Most High Who decrees destiny for killing and the absence of killing:
Allah had willed, succeeding generations would not have fought against
each other, after clear Verses of Allah had come to them, but they
differed - some of them believed and others disbelieved. If Allah
had willed, they would not have fought against one another, but
Allah does what He likes [2: 253]
Allah informs
His Prophet that He is capable of continuing the killing or ceasing
it. Allah says:
time they kindled the fire of war, Allah extinguished it [5:
It is for this
reason the Prophet feared none other than Allah.
not Allah Sufficient for His slave? Yet they try to frighten you
with those (whom they worship) besides Him [39: 36]
Allah does what
He wills and decrees destiny for what He wills. This is why trust
in Him and complete dependence on him is incumbent on every Muslim
and it is an obligation that Islam has placed upon us.
When Pharaoh
and his soldiers came to plot their evil plot and gather their oppressing
views, the weak in faith among Musa, peace be upon him, felt afraid
and said to him: We are sure to be overtaken, meaning
we will surely lose and be destroyed. Pharaoh will gather us and
kill us and we will come to an end. At this Musa replied with full
trust in Allah: Nay, verily with me is my Lord and He will
guide me.
This is an excellent
example of complete trust in Allah in all matters, and it is the
strong pillar that a believer depends on.
Trust in Allah
is what caused the Prophet to say to Umar ibn al-Khattab on
the day of reconciliation of Hudaibiyah after the signing of the
treaty: Oh ibn al-Khattab, I am the Messenger of Allah and
He will never fail me. (Agreed upon)
Trust in Allah
is what caused Ibrahim, peace be upon him, while he was being thrown
into the fire to say: Sufficient for us is Allah and He is
the best of judges.
Trust in Allah
is what made the Prophet and his companions say: Hasbuna Allahu
wa Nima-al Wakeel - Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is]
is the best Disposer of affairs. This was said when returning
from the battle of Uhud after the hypocrites said, Indeed,
the people have gathered against you, so fear them.
What was the
Allah says:
they returned with Grace and Bounty from Allah. No harm touched
them; and they followed the good Pleasure of Allah. And Allah is
the Owner of Great Bounty [3:174]
Then Allah said
in the following verse:
fear them not, but fear Me, if you are (true) believers [3:175]
From the trust
that the Prophet Muhammad had in His Lord he used to always believe
that Allah would aid and support him and that Allah would not abandon
you are not the first to be afflicted by frustration and a sense
of hopelessness, actually some of the companions were also afflicted
by frustration and a sense of hopelessness because of the large
power which they witnessed possessed by the disbelievers and the
weakness the Muslims had towards them, as well as their small number.
The Prophet
used to remind them during the worse situations that the future
was for Islam. When Khabbab ibn al-Arat [The one who was branded
on his back with heated iron bars by his master, consequently causing
it to heat up with nothing to sooth it except his own body fat when
it melted ] came complaining to the Prophet about the difficulties
he experienced along with his companions in Makkah, he said:
Why dont
you pray for heavenly help for us? Why do you not request for Allahs
help for us?
The Prophet
will surely help Islam complete its mission, till a rider will proceed
from San aa to Hadhramaut, fearing nothing save Allah and
the danger of the wolf concerning his sheep. However, you are too
hasty (Bukhari)
And when the
Prophet traveled with his companion Abu Bakr to Madinah, Suraaqah
ibn Maalik caught up to them for the bounty as they were being pursued
by the people of Makkah. However, Suraaqahs horse sunk into
the sand repeatedly. The Prophet said to him: What will be
of you if you are to wear the bracelets of Kisraa [Chosroes, then
the emperor of Persia]? He did not say this after the victory
of Badr nor the conquering of Mecca, he said this whilst being chased.
Allah Most High
the disbelievers plotted against you (O Muhammad ) to imprison you,
or to kill you, or to get you out (from your home, i.e. Makkah).
[8: 30]
With the disbelievers
plotted and planned to kill the Prophet of Allah , searched for
him, and fixed a large reward of a thousand she-camels, the Prophet
said to Suraaqah: What will be of you if you are to wear the
bracelets of Kisraa? Obviously this was something that is
very far fetched, something in which Suraaqah could not even think
about at that point in time.
And when the
confederates besieged Madinah and gathered upon it ten thousand
soldiers, the Muslims were few in number. In the darkness of the
night and with the cold strong winds, they dig their trenches with
their own hands during hunger, fatigue, difficult circumstances,
and during their unexplainable fear for the Prophet .
The Prophet
descends into the trench they were digging to break a rock which
had come in their way. He strikes the stone breaking off a third
of it while saying Allahu Akbar. I am given the keys of Al-Shaam.
By Allah I can see its red palaces at this very moment.
Then striking
it a second time breaking off another third, he says: Allahu
Akbar. I am given the keys of Persia, by Allah, I can see palaces
of the city white in colour.
Striking off
the final piece of the rock he says: Bismillah, Allahu Akbar,
I am given the keys of Yemen. By Allah I can see the doors of Sanaa
this very moment. (Ahmed)
When did he
say this? He said it in the hardest and worst of conditions.
Allah describes
this situation when He says:
they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the
eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were
harbouring doubts about Allah. There, the believers were tried and
shaken with a mighty shaking. [33:10-11]
In this war,
Allah differentiated between the believers and the hypocrites. They
said as Allah informed us about them:
when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease (of doubts)
said: "Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusions.
And when a party of them said: "O people of Yathrib (Madinah)!
There is no stand (possible) for you (against the enemy attack!).
Therefore go back!" And a band of them ask for permission of
the Prophet saying: "Truly, our homes lie open (to the enemy)."
And they lay not open. They but wished to flee. And if the enemy
had entered from all sides (of the city), and they had been exhorted
to Al-Fitnah (i.e. to renegade from Islam to polytheism) they would
surely have committed it and would have hesitated thereupon but
little. [33:12-14]
As for the believers
Allah describes them by saying:
when the believers saw Al-Ahzab (the Confederates), they said: "This
is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His
Messenger had spoken the truth, and it only added to their faith
and to their submissiveness (to Allah). [33:22]
These incidents
occurred after everyone believed that the infidels would kill the
believers in the trenches and that the believers would die under
besiegement. But Allah the All-Mighty and the All-Powerful granted
the believers clear victory when He sent an unexpected wind to destroy
the disbelievers, and angels which descended upon them and struck
terror in the heart of the Jews.
Brothers and
sisters in Islam - When the Prophet informed us in the authentic
narration that the future is for Islam, we must believe in this.
It is unconditionally Haraam (prohibited) that we have the least
amount of doubt concerning this. Allah Most high says:
is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion
of truth, to make it superior over all religions, even though the
Mushrikûn (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in
the Oneness of Allah) hate (it). [9: 33]
Even if the
disbelievers hate it.
The Prophet said to his righteous companions:
foregathered the whole earth before my sight and I saw both its
easts and its wests, and verily, the kingdom of my nation shall
reach all that has been foregathered before me. (Muslim)
The Prophet
literally saw the whole earth before him and the status of his nation
will reach what he saw.
Yes indeed,
as the Prophet mentioned in another hadith, Surely, this religion
will reach the boundaries of the day and night and Allah will not
spare a rural or an urban dwelling except that he would cause Islam
to enter it by elevating some and degrading others. A glory with
which Allah elevates Islam and a humiliation with which Allah degrade
Kufr (disbelief). (Ahmad and Ibn Hibban, saheeh)
In another hadith,
in Sahih Muslim Amr Bin Al-As says:
we were scripting the hadiths of the Prophet he was asked, Which
city will be conquered first Constantinople or Rome? the Prophet
replied, The city of Hercules* is the first to be conquered.
(Ahmed) *at that time, Hercules occupied Constantinople, modern
day Istanbul.
Rome is yet
to be conquered, but surely the Muslims will conquer it because
the Prophet Muhammad said so and his words are both truthful and
There are many
hadiths in which the Prophet informed us that there will be many
battles and combats between the Muslims and the Romans in which
the Believers will be the victorious ones and the Muslims will have
the last say.
Muslim narrated
on the authority of Sad Bin Waqaas that Allahs apostle
shall remain a sect of my nation victorious in upholding the truth.
Never shall they be afflicted by those who fail them nor by those
who oppose them until the matter of Allah (i.e. The Day of Judgment)
comes and they are on this status.
Ahmad narrated
on the authority of Hudhaifah that Allahs Apostle said:
The prophet-hood
shall rule amongst you for as long as Allah wills, then He elevates
it. Then there shall be a caliphate upon the basis of Prophethood
for as long as Allah wills then He elevates it. Then there shall
be a clinging kingship for as long as Allah wills then He elevates
it, then there shall be a forceful kingship for as long as Allah
wills then He elevates it, then there shall be a Caliphate upon
the basis of prophethood (again); then the Prophet remained silent.
(Ahmad, declared authentic by Sheikh al-Albaani)
Therefore, the
Caliphate upon the prophethood is coming no doubt and we ask Allah
to be amongst its soldiers.
Brothers and
Sisters in Islam - We should all believe that the future is for
Islam. Otherwise, what other religion can be nominated for victory
and propagation, what other religion can provide people with the
proper remedies and convincing responses to their diseases and doubts?
Isnt this
nominated religion Islam, the fastest growing religion despite the
weakness of its followers today?
It is incumbent
upon Muslims, particularly during times of calamity and struggle,
to rely on their lord and trust that he will eventually divide the
world into two camps: one of Islam and the other is of hypocrisy.
Abu Dawood mentioned,
on the authority of Abdullah ibn Umar:
When we
were sitting with the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him), he talked
about periods of trial (fitan), mentioning many of them. When he
mentioned the trial of Ahlaas, some asked him: Oh Apostle
of Allah, what is the trial of Ahlaas? He replied:
It will
be flight and plunder (meaning people at this time will escape from
each other because of their enmity to one another, and they will
loot each others money and property). Then will come a test
of prosperity. It shall be caused by a man from my household, who
will assert that he belongs to me (in lineage and action), whereas
he does not (in religion and nature), for my friends are only the
God-fearing (the trial of prosperity during which people will enjoy
good health, abundance in wealth and enjoy in indulgence. This prosperity
will lead people to excessive acts of sin and immorality, which
will make them suffer a severe hardship.). Then the people will
unite under a man who will be like a hipbone on a rib (meaning he
is not fit for leadership in appearance nor in competence and religion).
Then there will be the Duhaymaa (a murky and drastic) trial
whose harm will spare none. Every time people say that it is finished,
it will be extended. During it a man will wake up a believer and
will by the evening end up an infidel and vise-versa, until the
people will become in two camps: the camp of faith, which will contain
no hypocrisy, and the camp of hypocrisy, which will contain no faith.
When that happens, expect the Antichrist (Dajjal) that day or the
next. (Shaykh al-Albani declared this hadith as Sahih
Brothers and
sisters in Islam, why do you think the Prophet informed us of all
these events?
Is it not so
we believe in it and prepare ourselves with Faith and good deeds
in order to deal with it?
We should all
believe that justice and veracity are the foundations of the universe
and that they are the pillars upon which the earths were established.
This life began on the truth and it will definitely end upon what
it began.
The truth is
that this Ummah (nation) will lead humanity once more. Justice necessitates
that the laws of Islam rule the entire world and that the agonies
and calamities of the Muslim Ummah resume.
On the other
hand, do not let the luring colours of the chameleon fool you.
Do not let the
temporary control that the crusade and the Zionists have over the
world deceive you. For verily Allah the All Mighty says:
not deceived by the [uninhibited] movement of the disbelievers throughout
the land. [It is but] a small enjoyment; then their [final] refuge
is Hell, and wretched is the resting place. [Aal-Imraan 196-197]
Their superiority
and control is only for a short period of time.
This is a decree
of Allah and none can reverse it or alter it because Allah has put
and end to every matter and so too shall be the end of evil.
My dear brothers
and sisters did you know that this nation ruled the world from the
early days of the Prophethood of Muhammad until the collapse of
the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924?
For more than
thirteen centuries this nation had been victorious; and in its rule
rested the affairs of the whole world including those of the disbelieving
The great poets
of the past have composed hundreds of lines of poetry describing
this golden period in which the nation enjoyed ultimate power and
prideful victory
One of the poets
describes the past status of the ummah in the following verses,
he says:
We were the
kings of the land for centuries,
And our eternal forefathers subjected it.
We have encrypted bright pages that time has not forgotten,
Nor have we forgotten it.
With vivid blades
we controlled it,
And the soldiers of fear accept not to accompany us.
When we pull our blades out of their cases,
You see horror and clear conquest before us.
Whenever a king
used to attack us unjustly,
We would bury the forehead of his might lower.
And when people oppress us,
We used to discipline them,
Firm and patient we are in our power.
And the wheels of time kept turning,
Until victory became the share of different nations.
And since then my people were not seen with victory,
Despite that they had been victorious for long years...
For more than
thirteen centuries this nation was the emperor of the world, feared
by the west and the east. And one example that suffices to show
this, is the statement of Haroun ar-Rashid when he addressed a cloud
saying: Shower wherever you please, for your crops will eventually
come to me.
The disbelievers
did not have power until after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. This
means only 80 years ago.
So how can you
compare 80 or 100 years of power made up of civilisations filled
with falsehood, materialism, and deviation, and forget about 13
centuries, whereby the ruling over the world was the deen (religion)
of Allah, the Sharia of Allah, and the Monotheism of Allah?
Therefore, it
is not incumbent to even compare one specific moment from the period
of history and forget about all of the past future.
The empowerment
of the disbelievers in this day and age is only temporary as has
been decreed by Allah the Magnificent. It is from the wisdom of
Allah Glory be to He, the Most High. The deen of Allah will prevail,
and victory from Allah towards this Ummah is near by the will of
Allah. All it needs is for someone to wipe off it the dust.
Brothers and
sisters in Islam: Perhaps people from amongst this Ummah have been
killed, and continue to be killed. And perhaps groups of people
and communities have been annihilated. And perhaps states or countries
have fallen and continue to fall, losing their names and icons
This is all true. However, Islam remains.
Indeed, the
one who wants to confront Islam, or fight it is wretched. The comparison
of such a person is like a butterfly that wants to turn out the
electrical light. And Allah will continue for His light to remain
(even) if the disbelievers hate it. This deen is the secret behind
the continued existence of this Ummah.
Verily, this
Ummah was created for the sake of Islam, and its existence is for
Islam. Whoever, wants to get rid of Islam, then let them try and
get rid of this Ummah. However, is it possible for anyone to get
rid of this Ummah? How impossible this truly is.
This Ummah has
been promised continued existence, not only will it continue to
live on, but it has also been promised victory and strength. Allah
continues to produce for this Ummah, in every period of its history,
scholars, callers to Islam, leaders, and Mujaahideen that are used
to serve this deen, in order for honor to be given to this deen
and His believing slaves.
Indeed, how
many oppressors have been buried?
People have buried how many disbelievers that fought against Allah
and His Messenger?
How many infidels have been buried?
How many hypocrites and apostates have been buried?
Pharaoh passed
on. Namrood (Nimrod) passed on. Abraha passed on. Abu Jahl passed
on. Genghis Khan passed on, and many others. A day will come when
even the leaders of todays disbelievers and corruption will
be buried by their very own companions. All that is required is
good patience, seeking the help from Allah, and truly Allah will
make His deen triumphant, but many people do not know.
Know my dear
brothers and sisters, that this deen, is the word of Allah Most
High, and that the phrase Laa ilaaha Illa-Allah (There
is no deity worthy of worship except Allah) is the word of Islam.
So who is it that will be able to extinguish the light of this phrase?
Today, we say
to America and its Allies You are not the first to have fought
Islam. Actually there are many who fought it before you. However,
what was the result? Allah destroyed everyone that stood against
the path of Islam, and Allah kept the deen of Islam up high, and
it shall remain that way as per the promise of Allah and His Messenger
More and more
people are reverting to Islam, even its own adherents are turning
back to its clarity and purity. Furthermore, there have been achievements
from its people, its propagators, its writers, and organisations.
Masses of people have been gathering around it. There are crowds
of Muslims that lead the congregations of mosques and rituals. There
is good taking place here and there. All of this is stirring up
the hearts of the enemies. Consequently, those who had ill thoughts
and doubt about Allah have gained their trust in Him.
Let us look
back at the past for a moment. Just how many wars, afflictions,
and catastrophes did Islam face, only to come out of them strong,
honored, and secure?
What the Muslims
are being subjected to today in the East and West without specifying,
from killings and attacks from its enemies is due to wisdoms Allah
has decreed. So we should think of Him as having allowed them to
happen as signs from Him in order for the Ummah to return to its
deen. And that what will come after these trials and afflictions
is clear victory for the believers in shaa Allah. And that through
these trials Allah will bring life to the hearts of the believers,
which have been overcome with the love of the dunya (worldly life)
and reliance on their enemies. Allah will resurrect these hearts
through Imaan, and Jihaad for His sake. After this, there will come
the victory and strength for the committed followers of Allah Most
Allah Most High
Allah is predominant over His affairs, but most of the people do
not know. [Yusuf: 21]
May Allahs
mercy be upon the poet who said:
"And the
deen is victorious and tested,
Dont be surprised,
For this is the way of Al-Rahmaan (the Most Merciful)..."
So revere Allah
brothers and sisters in Islam. Turn to Him in repentance and seek
His forgiveness. Beware of having doubt and ill thoughts about Allah.
We should accuse ourselves before forming a bad opinion about Allah.
Allah give victory to Islam and its people, O Lord of the worlds.
Allah grant victory to the Mujaahideen fighting for Your sake in
every time and place, for you are able to do all things.
Allah digrace the Jews and the crusaders Crush them.
Allah support the Muslims drive out the Jews from Al-Quds, and the
crusaders from the the lands of the Muslims disgraced and
belittled. Decree for us a swift defeat over them O Lord of the