Brief Notes On Fasting
Shaykh Muhammad
Bin Saleh Al-Uthaimeen
Praise be to
Allah, Rabb (Maintainer and Provider) of the worlds and may Allah
(Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala) exalt the mention of our Prophet Muhammad
(sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam), his kinfolk and his companions.
Following is some brief information about fasting, its rulings and
types of people along with its violations and other benefits:
Muslim fasting
is to worship Allah by avoiding fast-breaking acts from daybreak
until sunset.
Fasting the
month of Ramadhan is one of the great pillars of Islam as Prophet
Muhammad, (Peace be upon him) said, Islam is based on five
pillars: (1) to testify that none is worthy to be worshiped except
Allah and Muhammad is Allahs messenger. (3) to pay Zakah
(Charity), (4) to fast Ramadhan and (5) to go on pilgrimage to Makkah.
People In Ramadhan
Fasting is
an obligatory duty for every Muslim who is mature, sane and a non-traveler.
The disbeliever
is not required to fast and in case of embracing Islam he isnt
required to make up the prior fast he missed.
The youngster
who is under age is not required to fast but he should be guided
do so in order be accustomed to doing it.
The insane isnt
required to fast or to feed even if he is of age. The same thing
goes for the mentally deficient and old senile people.
The disabled
person who cannot fast because of permanent reasons such as senility
or sickness. Such people have to feed an indigent every day during
the month of Ramadhan.
The patient
who has a temporary benign disease and it is hard for him to fast,
he is not required to fast but he must fast those days after recovery.
The pregnant
and wet nurse (foster mother) are not required to fast if it is
hard for them to fast because of pregnancy or fosterage or fear
of harming their children, but they should fast these days after
child birth or child bed.
The menstruating
women and those suffering from post-natal bleeding are not allowed
to fast and must make up the days missed.
A person, who
is facing a necessity of breaking his fast in order to rescue another
Muslim from drowning or burning can break his fast but he must fast
the day he missed later.
A traveler can
either fast or not, but he should make up the days he misses whether
his travel is temporary such as performing Umra, or
permanent such as transit truck drivers. So, they have the choice
of fasting or not fasting since they are still outside residence.
Fast Breaking
1. Fast
breaking acts do not break the fast in case of forgetfulness, ignorance,
or compulsion according to Allahs saying Our Rabb! Do
not punish us if we forget or fall into error and His saying,
Except who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with
faith. And His saying, And there is sin on you concerning
that in which you made a mistake except in regard to what your heart
deliberately intend. (Al-Ahzab: Ayah 5)
If the faster
forgot when eating or drinking his fast wouldnt be broken
due to forgetfulness and if one eats or drinks thinking that the
sun has set or the day hasnt broken, ones fast is still
valid due to ignorance. And if one rinses his mouth letting water
go inside his throat by mistake, such rinsing will not break his
fast because it is not done intentionally.
Wet dreaming
during sleep does not break the fast because it is not intentional.
Fast Breaking
Acts Are Eight
Sexual intercourse.
If it is committed by the faster during the daytime in the month
of Ramadhan. He must make up the fast besides a hard binding
atonement, that is, emancipating a slave, but if it is not possible
he must fast two consecutive months and when is able to do so he
must feed sixty indigents (i.e. sixty meals).
Seminal ejaculation
while awake by masturbation or fondling or hugging and the like.
Eating or drinking
whether beneficial or harmful, including smoking.
The use of nutritive
injections that substitute for food, but the use of injections that
wont nourish the body dont break the fast whether taken
In the muscles or in the vein even if he tastes the nutrient in
his throat.
Blood transfusion
when blood loss occurs to the faster. Blood may be transfused into
his body instead in place of the blood that he lost.
The blood that
comes out from a woman due to post-natal bleeding or menses.
Forcing out
ones blood by cupping or the like. But unlike cupping, involuntary
bleeding such as nose bleeding or when pulling out teeth and he
like would not break the fast.
Vomiting when
intentionally done. But if it is not done on purpose the fast wont
be broken.
Useful Lessons
It is permissible
for the Muslim to have the intention of fasting in mind while ritually
impure. He should wash himself thoroughly after daybreak.
The woman menstruating
or suffering from bleeding after childbirth must fast if she becomes
pure (stops bleeding) before Fajr even if she has not bathed before
A faster can
pull out his tooth and treat his wounds and drop medicine in his
eyes or in his ears without having broken his fast even it he tastes
it in his throat.
A faster can
use his tooth stick in the early or late daytime, which is legal
and preferable for both the faster and non-faster.
A faster is
permitted to do things that may reduce strong heat or thirst such
as the use of water or air conditionerto cool him down.
A faster may
use inhalers that may reduce his labored breathing due to asthma
or other reasons.
A faster can
wet his lips when dry, and rinse his mouth when dried out without
gurgling, or swallowing.
It is favorable for the faster to delay eating Suhoor
(the morning meal) until shortly before day break and to break the
fast soon after sunset. It is preferable to eat, if accessible,
fresh dates or drink water or any legal food; and if all the above
are unavailable, one should have had the intention of breaking his
fast in mind until he finds something to eat.
A faster
is urged by Islamic law to do good deeds and avoid all evils.
It is prescribed
for faster to observe his obligatory duties and keep away from prohibitions.
Thus, he should perform the daily five prayers at their prescribed
times and in congregation. He should keep away from telling lies,
backbiting, cheating, usury and all illegal words or deeds as the
Prophet of Allah (peace and blessing be upon him) said, Whoever
doesnt quit telling falsities and folly, Allah neednt
him to give up eating and drinking
Fast Breaking
Charity (Zakaatul-Fitr)
The amount of
fast breaking charity is a Saa (a measure of volume)
of rice or flour or dates or other staple food. Fast breaking charity
in money or clothing or other means is not lawfully acceptable in
place of food. Fast breaking charity should be given out (paid)
in the early morning of Al-Eid Al-Fitr (lesser Feast
Day) or one or two days before Eid.
This charity
must not be delayed until after Al-Eid prayer unless there is a
valid excuse.
Fast breaking charity should be paid so as to have all family members
represented including the young, old, male and female Muslims.
Fayez Al-Harbi
Whoever reads this treatise is kindly invited to give it out to
any one who could benefit from it since it is an endowment. We ask
Allah Almighty to make it useful to Muslims, ameen
