holy month of Ramadan unites all Muslims in fasting, feasting, worship
and prayer. It is a time for contemplation, spirituality and brotherhood.
It is also known and recognised as the month of the Qur'an Allah
(SW) says:
month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for
mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between
right and wrong). (Al-Baqarah 2:185)
The team here
at Mission Islam have put together a small section on Ramadan for
the whole family in the hope that it will help your family and ours
to attain piety and the pleasure of Allah (swt) As Allah mentions
in the Qur'an:
you who believe! Observing As-Sawm (the fasting) is prescribed for
you as it was prescribed
for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)
(Al-Baqarah 2:183)
May this Ramadan
be one we benefit fully from and whereby we increase in emaan and
taqwa, Ameen
May our acts
of worship multiply abundantly ameen. May we increase in righteous
actions, and do good deeds sincerely for Allah Alone, ameen.
May our character
become beautified, may our hearts become connected upon this haqq
and we fulfill each others rights with happiness, ameen.
May we be saved
from the punishment of the fire, and enter Paradise, ameen. May
Allah forgive us of our sins and have mercy on us all, ameen.
Please also
remember to make Dua for all our Muslim brothers and sisters facing
difficulty around the world. Iftaar time is the best time for your
Dua's to be accepted. Don't count how many different savouries &
cakes are on the table, but count your blessings for all the favours
Allah'Tala has given you and think how the destitute are struggling
around the world tonight and every night.
At the bottom of the page you will find a huge section for Muslim children focused on the blessed month of Ramadan - Please check back regularly as we are adding to this section on a daily basis.
Get Ready for Ramadan
Ramadan Articles (General)
Ramadan & Purification
Ramadan & The Muslim Family
Ramadan Information for Schools
Ramadan & Food
Ramadan & Health
Eid ul-Fitr
Ramadan Poems
Dua's for
Ramadan Audio
Ramadan Recipes
Ramadan End & After....
Ramadan Wallpapers for your Desktops
(Right click on the Link Below and "save as" to save the Wallpaper)
for Children

Ramadan Lessons:
Lesson Plans:
Ramadan Puzzles,
Word Searches and More:
Print, Colour and Learn (Download and Print) :
Ramadan General Activities:
Nasheed for Eid: