name is Aleah and I am 13 years old. I would like to tell you
about Islam in Australia.
is right down the bottom of the world but that does not mean that
we dont have a fun time in Ramadan.
mum cooks yummy food for suhoor. (morning meal) Sometimes she
makes rice pudding and other dishes. I usually wake up quickly
to eat and drink some water and then wait to pray salatul fajr
and then I pop back into bed to sleep a while longer.
have been fasting since I was about 6 or 7 years old only a few
days and then last year I almost did the full month. I hope this
year I can do a whole year. insha'Allah.
this time of the year it is really hot and its very hard to go
with no food and drink all day. Muslims dont drink or eat from
before sunrise and we break our fast at sunset. Here I have a
picture to show you.

is allways telling my sister and I about the muslim children in
the world that dont have enough food to eat and yet they fast
like us. I am happy to fast because other muslim kids are fasting
to and we are all brothers and sisters doesnt matter poor or rich.
the day we do things about Ramadan some times we get together
with other home schooled kids and make decorations and eid presents
and sometimes cards for special Aunities. We also help mum get
the food ready for Iftar. (break fast meal)
nights we have people visit us for Iftar. Sometimes my mum cooks
for over 30 people. There is lots of work to do in the kitchen.
Mum told me if I help I will get lots of reward for feeding people
who are fasting. insha'allah.
break our fast with a glass of water and a few dates like the
Prophet Muhammad (saws) used to do and then we pray mahgreb its
so nice to pray with lots of people and then we eat all together.
Food tastes so good during Ramadan because you are so thankful
to Allah to eat cause you are so hungry.
is hard the first week and after that you get used to it.
learn alot during Ramadan especially about the Qur'an it is such
a special month and it only comes once a year. By the end of Ramadan
I wish every month was like it and I miss it so much.
Eid comes Mum takes us to buy new clothes and special food to
Eid morning we wake up early get ready and go to the Park. There
are so many people with their children at the Park. We line up
for the prayer for Eid and I feel a little sad because I know
Ramadan has finished for another year. I ask Allah to accept my
fasting for the month and enter me in the special door (in Jeenah)
He has for those whose fast is accepted.
the salatul Eid we play and run with the other children and then
we visit muslims famillies and eat lots of nice food. I cannot
eat too much though because my tummy has shrunk from fasting.
love Ramadan so much I wish there were more months during the
year like it. I find everyone is so peaceful and full of eeman
and eager to do good deeds.
is so merciful to us and I love Him so much and I am so thankful
to Him for making me a Muslim. Alhumdulilah.
dont you write to me and let me know what Ramadan is like for
you in the country where u live and we could put the story up
here with mine.insha'Allah
hope you all have a great Ramadan and that you dont waste this
precious month of mercy and sacrifice.