Ramadan in Turkey*

*My Ramadan*
My name
is Tahirrah.I have been fasting for 2 years allhoumdolilah.I am
in Turkey on holidays in Ramadan at the moment and so fasting
is strange for me. I live in Australia normaly.
When i
fast, I go to bed i wake up at 4:00 am. In Turkey a man walks
around the strret playing a big drum from 2 am to wake people
up for suhoor (morning meal). We eat and then pray fajr and go
to bed. When we wake up we are all fasting allumdolilah.
I help
my mum cook food for the night.i was very hungry.After that I
try to learn as much Qur'an as i can!!!. We do all our work Im
now very hungry (but im lucky, other kids have to go to school
- I am home schooled you see -and others dont have alot of food
to break there fast!) After the azan had gone (which I love in
Turkey) we ate some dates had some water then prayed. after praying
we ate yum yum that food was good.
After food we clean up and go to bed.
The next
morning we started again!!!!!!!!!!:)
I would
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